Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Snow Squall (Chicago Style)

Agatite Ave, Chicago
Agatite Ave, Chicago

Chicago just wont let it go. Snapped this on my way to an Uptown neighborhood listing appointment on Monday, March 23 (less than 72 hours after Spring officially began). Hey, if you can't complain about the weather around here, you're only left with the traffic, the potholes, and the politics. Chilly subject matter on all fronts, to be sure.

Geno Petro | Chicago Realtor


Chicago Snail Mail Fail

mail room junk mail
My Chicago High Rise Mail Room 

I'm no David Axelrod but I have to think there are a hundred better ways for Chicago run-off candidates to get their last minute political pleas across than pounding our postal service with direct mail -- Every. Single. Day. I figure they're spending about $500 a day (print, postage & labor) on my 900+ unit building alone. And clearly, the picture above speaks to the ROI. Come on.

#chicagoelectionfail #saveatree

Geno Petro | Chicago Realtor
